James Whisker
Professor Emeritus
jwhisker@centurylink.netCategorized As
James B Whisker is professor emeritus from West Virginia University where he taught for over 37 years, retiring 12-31-2005. He was adviser to the WVU College Republicans during most of his tenure. He received his B.S. From Mount St. Mary's College and M.A. degrees in philosophy and history from Niagara University, and his Ph. D. in 1969 from the University of Maryland. He is author or co-author of books on gunsmiths and arms makers of eighteen states. Among his other books are The Alien Tort Claims Act, The Militia, The Right to Hunt; The Citizen-Soldier and U.S. Military Policy, Our Vanishing Freedom: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness; Asylum and Sanctuary in History and Law; The Just War Doctrine in Catholic Thought; Capital Punishment in Religious and Political Thought; and the Rise and Decline of the American Militia System. He currently resides in Everett, PA.
Ph.D., University of Maryland
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